Subject Leaders:

Mr Flint, Ms Tarbox, Mr Whitelaw

This tracker allows us to track coverage, progress, sequencing and attainment. Subject Leaders are currently reviewing their Trackers in light of Covid impact.

Computing is important to us, at Little Green School.

In 2020/21, we adopted the National Centre For Computing Education (NCCE) schemes of work to use as a framework for what we teach the children. The spreadsheet below shows how their scheme links to the National Curriculum. Whilst the NCCE scheme will underpin our teaching, we will often adapt the content in order to complement other learning in the classroom, or to suit the needs of an individual student, class or cohort.

Our aim is for Computing to be meaningful, purposeful, engaging and fun so that we can support the children to have Powerful Knowledge, and to be role model Digital Citizens.

Computing Curriculum Progression/skills Map (Revised: Sept 2022)
Computing (NCCE) Curriculum Map - KS2