Friends of Little Green
Our Parents' Association is called Friends of Little Green, or FOLG as we are known. We are a friendly and welcoming group of working parents, who’s children attend the school and who want to contribute our time to help the school they attend. We appreciate that life is busy and time is precious so meet when necessary, to plan enjoyable events and activities to support of our school and its students. Every member of the Little Green community is welcome to join a meeting at any time and we would love to see you and hear any ideas you may have- please do come along to one of our meetings which are informal and normally held in the local pub, or sometimes with wine and cheese in School!
When your child becomes part of the Little Green School, you will have the opportunity to meet and join with other parents, carers and members of Little Green community.
For meeting and event dates, please keep an eye on your class what’s-app groups, School emails or our Social media.
WHY have FOLG?
-FOLG exists to raise funds to buy resources that enrich the education of all students at Little Green.
-We are also proud to contribute money to each year to alleviate the cost of school trips- sometimes this covers the cost completely.
- We donate Amazon vouchers to the school as a prize for the children’s raffle ticket incentive.
- We organise the sale of second hand uniform. We also compile and sell pencil cases which contain the equipment a child needs all for £10
- Offers a great platform for parent and carer participation in the school community.
- We involve our children to enrich their experience at Little Green with occasions such as Elfridges where the children can give back to their parents/ carers with small gifts at Christmas.
For the academic year 21/22 FOLG made a total profit of £11,051. So far, for 22/23, we have raised over £7000 profit. All of which has gone back into the school and therefore the children- we believe this is a great achievement and are very proud of what we have, and continue to achieve for the children.
This money has been used to provide support and purchase valuable resources for the school and all students. Some examples of what we have achieved in the last 2 academic years;
Paid in full for laptops, ipads and head phones for every year group and the storage to safely home them. These are vital resources to enable to children to use programmes such as Google Classroom, Lexia (reading and writing support), Doodle Maths (maths support), Camber and many other exciting and creative resources within the classroom. This also enables the children to become competent using this media preparing them for Senior school.
School trips and workshops £3600. Each year group has been given £900 towards school trips and/or a workshop. This year so far Year 3 have used their contribution to Hazard alley, This contribution reduced the cost for parents. Year 4 to an Ancient Greek workshop which complimented their current learning, this covered the cost of the workshop in full-no cost for parents/carers. Year 5 are visiting Herts County Show, this covered the cost of the trip- small contribution for the coach only for parents/carers. Year 6 will be going to the cinema and again, this covered the cost of the trip in full resulting in no cost for parents.
New lighting and sound System £4000 to replace the original 76-year-old lighting system in the school hall. This will be benefitting the year 4 and 6 productions hugely, bringing state of the art sound and lights to our productions. The children will learn how to use the system both backstage and it will improve the production onstage. This will also be used for school assemblies to make them interactive. We will save money for the school discos as lighting is now covered and we can stream our own music. An advantage for external hire companies, Ricky Players and Stage Coach, providing much needed revenue which goes back to the school.
Amazon vouchers £600 this year has been donated for the children’s raffle ticket prizes. Each term the children are rewarded with raffle tickets for their learning, their behaviour, and achievements. The raffle tickets are then placed in the draw and each term 8 are drawn. The prize is a £25 amazon voucher as voted by the children.
Circus, sometimes it’s not all about making money. Due to the previous year’s being unusual and difficult for the children, FOLG wanted to hold an event purely for the children’s enjoyment- ultimately that’s why we are here after all. We hired a circus to the school field to have a full day working with the children in workshops. This was an exciting opportunity to all have fun together, learn new skills improving coordination, concentration, stimulating their imagination and most importantly improving their confidence and having fun! We then held 3 shows the following day. A quote from a Little Green Pupil,
“It was really good that everyone was included in the circus workshops as some children can’t afford to come to the circus shows”
When we hear this- it makes all the organising worthwhile!
Gazebo renovations £1050. The gazebo on the lower playground was donated by FOLG to provide a space to sit and stay out of the sun. This has recently started to look tired so has been renovated.
Sports Kits £500. Little Green have been very successful in their sporting achievements this year and new sports kit and a goal has been donated to ensure the children have good equipment and kit to use and represent the school.
Flags £250 to use at events such as Fun run, school fair and sporting events. The design of the flag was produced by a Little Green pupil competition winner.
Treats. We provide a custom made cookie for all new to year 3 children when they start Little Green, Easter eggs at Easter and an ice pop on sports day. No one is left out- we check and manage all allergies.
… and much much more.
In order to provide all these wonderful opportunities, We organise many fundraising events throughout the year. These give parents, carers, friends and families the opportunity to participate in a variety of enjoyable activities ~ and it's great fun to be involved!
Previous events include:
Elfridges, a very special Christmas sale where children buy wrapped presents for their parents/ carers/ families. The children love this special Christmas shopping experience and enjoy buying a surprise gift.
Christmas Cards, children see their own design turned into Christmas cards, mugs or gift tags.
Summer Fair, stalls, inflatables on an epic scale, games, food and much more
School Disco, a fun event after school for every year group.
Circus, fun for all the family and special workshops for every child attending school.
Second hand uniform and pencil case sales
Ice cream sales, always a hit after a hot day
Crazy Hair day..
Break the rules day.
Fun run, no matter what the weather
50/50 club, a monthly prize draw
Quiz Nights
Stikins. Adhesive name stickers
Every parent and carer of a child at Little Green is automatically a member of FOLG should they wish.
Key ways to support the FOLG.
Attend one of our events, an excellent way to contribute to the school community and you’re guaranteed to have fun.
Volunteer some time to help at events, the success of every event is guaranteed with every hour that can be volunteered.
Attend the Parent's Association meetings, everybody is welcome, come along for a chat and maybe give us fresh new ideas.
Check with your employer to see if they offer match funding and support this initiative.
· Easy fundraising- get access to exclusive discounts and voucher codes and raise money for FOLG every time you shop with hundreds of retailers. For more information, please use the following link: pta.
Make a donation to FOLG; a great way to help if you're not able to attend an event.
Account name: Friends of Little Green School.
Sort code: 60-15-30
Account name: 67743854
Reference: Your name.
With around 360 children in the school, if just 1 person from the household gave an hour to help, we have 360 hours that benefit our children.
Without your help, these fun, enriching, and money raising events cannot happen, so we hope to see you soon.
The current executive officers of FOLG are:
Co Chair: Mrs Catherine Hutchinson
Co Chair: Mrs Louise Horton
Treasurer: Mrs Monika Brightwell
Secretary: Mrs Amy Lansley
All the above can be contacted by email