We expect children to look smart in school at all times. From time to time, certain styles of haircut, dress and jewellery become very fashionable and some children feel the need to comply by wearing them to school. We don’t allow this simply because we feel that this rapidly becomes competitive and distracting and that there are plenty of other ways for children to express their individuality in school. 

Hair: Children should not come to school wearing hair gel. Dyed, shaven or ‘engraved’ hair is also not allowed.

Jewellery: Only plain gold or silver stud earrings may be worn in school. If your child is not able to independently remove their earrings, or apply surgical tape to cover them themselves, they should not wear earrings on a PE day. No other jewellery should be worn unless permission has been sought from your child's Year group leader.

Top Half

White blouse

Bottle green cardigan or sweatshirt

Bottle green pullover or sweatshirt

White shirt or Polo shirt

Summer dress - any green and white print material


Bottom Half

Grey shorts or grey school trousers (No leggings)

Bottle green or grey skirts

Dark socks or grey tights

Summer – White socks with summer dresses


Black shorts, a green “Little Green” printed PE t shirt, sports (not fashion) trainers.

To enable children to take part in physical activities during cold/wetter weather, please ensure your child also has dark jogging bottoms, a spare school sweatshirt and a lightweight waterproof jacket as part of their PE kit.

Art Apron (could be an old shirt)

School Book Bags  are available from Mapac for school books and homework but any sturdy/weatherproof back pack or bag will do.

Where to buy uniform:

Little Green replacement sweatshirts, waterproof coats, sweatshirts, caps, jogging trousers, T-shirts and shorts are available to buy from the Mapac online

Second Hand Uniform

If you have uniform to donate please send it into the school office as it is in great demand. To purchase any second-hand uniform, please contact folg-uniform@littlegreen.herts.sch.uk

Most items are just 50p each.



Here is a reminder of the equipment your child should have in school to support their learning, and be replenished/replaced if they become lost or broken: